Vision and Principles

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Our vision for Woollam Park is underpinned by five key principles which will function in partnership to deliver an exemplar new neighbourhood that is beautiful, healthy, green, enduring, and successful.

Guiding Principles

  • Community at its heart: A diversity of uses is critical to creating sustainable places. Woollam Park will include a range of uses to support everyday activities, and create a community in which to live, work and play.
  • Spaces for nature: Nature contributes to the quality of a place, and to a person’s quality of life. Woollam Park will place biodiversity and habitat at the heart of its design.
  • Connected and active travel: Successful places are accessible and easy to move around. Woollam Park will deliver an integrated movement network that makes connections to destinations, places, and communities, both within the site and beyond its boundaries. Deliverable “Active Travel” (walking and cycling) is one of the key aspirations of both the County and District councils and Woollam Park prioritises this approach.
  • Planning for the future: Design must respond to the impacts of climate change through energy efficiency and minimising carbon emissions. Woollam Park will be an exemplar neighbourhood with sustainability at its core. See “Sustainability” on “Our Proposals”.
  • Delivering good design: Good design comes from the way that buildings, streets and spaces, landscape and infrastructure combine. Woollam Park has a clear design vision which will deliver high quality, characterful, beautiful and locally distinctive buildings and places.