Our Proposals

Concept plan for Woollam Park, click to enlarge.

Types of Homes

Woollam Park will include an integrated mix of tenures, unit sizes and housing types to suit all needs and ages.

The District has a key requirement for family-sized homes and these will form a large proportion of the development, and will include 40% Affordable homes. These will comprise Affordable rented and Affordable ownership housing and there will be a consistent high quality design across the scheme. The Affordable homes will be integrated into the design, creating a tenure-blind approach.

The needs of older people will additionally be catered for with retirement living apartments next to the Local Centre, close to public transport and local facilities. The proposals also deliver extra-care accommodation on Harpenden Road. Diversity of delivery will also be supported through self-and custom-build plots.

Public Open Space

A network of high quality, green open spaces with a variety of landscapes and activities, including play, growing spaces, and community gardens will be integrated within Woollam Park. This will ensure that everyone in Woollam Park is within a 5-minute walk of high-quality open space.

Our aspiration is for part of Sandridgebury Lane to be repurposed for walking and cycling only. This would allow it to act as the main active travel corridor alongside a large new ‘common’ to the east of the site. This common will provide a new area of open space where people of all ages and abilities can be active and feel safe.

Replacement sports pitches will be provided to the north of the site to be used by Old Albanian Sports Club year-round. All of the Old Albanian sports clubs are open-access; the Woollam Playing Fields provide one of the city’s most important sporting hubs.

Key 1: The Common – Semi-natural, multi functional open space incorporating neighbourhood play. 2: Local Centre – Key civic space for markets including mobility hub. 3: Green corridor – multi functional including productive landscapes and grow zones. 4: Longspring wood – local wildlife site and ancient historic woodland.

Concept plan for proposed public open spaces in Woollam Park, click to enlarge.
Concept for the Woollam Park Local Centre, click to enlarge.

Local centre

Sustainable places include a mix of uses that support everyday activities, to live, work and play.

Woollam Park will be a compact and walkable neighbourhood with a new local centre acting as the focal point of the development.

This will serve the local needs of the neighbourhood and will include shops, workspace, a mobility hub, a nursery and a community building. In line with the requirements of the local education authority there will also be a new two-form entry primary school adjacent to the local centre.