Nature and Sustainability


Nature contributes to the quality of a place, and to a person’s quality of life. It is a critical component of well-designed places. Woollam Park will be landscape-led with large parts of the site dedicated to green and blue infrastructure such as native woodland, hedgerows, plants, habitats, and sustainable drainage systems.

A minimum biodiversity net gain of 10% will be met entirely on-site. This will be achieved by enhancing and protecting the existing areas of valuable biodiversity including the Ancient Woodland at Longspring Wood whilst also creating new green corridors to extend existing ecosystems, including a ‘green ring’ around the site.

Water features will form part of an integrated system of landscape, biodiversity, and drainage. Swales, rain gardens, rain-capture and other drainage water features will create a multifunctional network of ‘green’ sustainable drainage systems.


Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing us today and in 2019 St Albans City & District Council voted unanimously to declare a Climate Emergency.

The St Albans Sustainability and Climate Crisis Strategy (2020-2023) confirms the Council’s objective of reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2030. Woollam Park represents a real opportunity to embed sustainable living in St Albans and contribute to these net zero goals.

We are aiming to commit to reducing all operational carbon emissions to net zero. To deliver this net zero aspiration, the development will be aligned to an industry recognised net zero framework ensure transparency, integrity and deliverability.

Each home will meet the yet-to-be introduced Future Home Standard and household water consumption will be limited to no more than 110 litres per person per day including external water use.

Modern methods of construction will be encouraged alongside a commitment to using the circular economy approach to minimise waste during the construction and operation phases of development.

All commercial buildings will meet the BREEAM ‘Excellent’ accreditation and cycle storage, and EV Charging Facilities will be provided within each home and at local service amenities.